TerraCorp Capital looks to add to its RV community holdings in the North and South, supporting its retirement community approach.
TerraCorp Capital invests in RV Parks with 50-250 units. In particluar, TerraCorp looks to invest in RV Communities in Arizona, Texas and Florida where there is a 55 plus population and resort style amenities inlcuded with the property. Northern RV resorts are also desired, particularly resorts with a golf course added to the property or which are are high-interest retirement destinations.
TerraCorp's approach to each resort is that at least 50 percent of the community will add small 1 bedroom homes or park models. TerraCorps goal is to expand our portfolio to 10 or more states over the next 10 years.
Requirements include RV sites with at least 50 amps of service, water, and sewer/septic. If you're looking to sell your park, please call 801-718-5622 or email us at boyd@terracorpcapital.com.